Building and Caring for Our Team

Employee Engagement and Development
A positive workplace culture is vital to the bank’s success. By supporting, respecting, engaging, and appreciating employees, the bank has built a team well-equipped to show the same commitment to its customers. Building and strengthening this positive workplace culture starts with Lake City University. Founded in 1999, Lake City University is dedicated to helping employees thrive professionally and personally. In 2024, bank employees averaged 24.6 hours per employee of instruction through the program. From courses to improve technical skills, product knowledge, and customer service to classes focused on an employee’s wellbeing, like personal financial planning and benefits education, Lake City University supports and promotes the personal and professional growth of all bank employees. In 2024, 161 employees were promoted and 153 employees were hired externally, demonstrating a commitment to professional development of Lake City Bank employees.
In addition to the substantial investment in employee professional development, the bank’s benefit and compensation programs are designed to ensure we recruit and retain top talent. The bank offers employees a comprehensive health benefits package, provides a 401(k) match of up to 6% of an employee’s salary to encourage retirement savings, tuition reimbursement that 22 employees took advantage of in 2024, and structures its bonus program for officers to create meaningful performance-based incentives. These programs, combined with an intentional focus to create a positive, values-based culture, ensures the bank team will continue as the acknowledged and recognized leader in Indiana community banking.