Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Public File

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Public File

In accordance with the Community Reinvestment Act banks are required to maintain, and upon request, make available a CRA Public File made up of the following content. The file is updated annually as of April 1st each year, except for Public Comment Letters and Branch actions, which are updated quarterly. Questions may be emailed to

Facility Based Assessment Areas

You can access maps of each Lake City Bank assessment area and a census tract listing below.


Elkhart MSA (PDF)

Fort Wayne MSA (PDF)

Indianapolis MSA (PDF)


South Bend MSA (PDF)

Lake City Bank Census Tract Listing (PDF)


Public Comment Letters

All written comments received from the public for the current year (updated on a quarterly basis) and each of the prior two calendar years are available below.


As of the end of the most recent quarter, Lake City Bank has not received any comments, letters or complaints related to the bank’s performance in helping to meet community credit needs for the current year.


CRA Disclosures

Lake City Bank’s CRA Disclosure Statements may be obtained on the FFIEC’s website at by entering Lake City Bank’s respondent ID (874845) in the Respondent ID search box. You can access the two most recent CRA Disclosure Statements below.

2022 CRA Disclosure Statement (PDF)

2023 CRA Disclosure Statement (PDF)


HMDA Disclosures

Lake City Bank HMDA Disclosure Statements are available for review at the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council (FFIEC) Home Mortgage Disclosure Act website:


To view the Disclosure Statement, follow the link and select the year you wish to review, enter “Lake City Bank” in the Search by Institution Name field, then select the location you wish to review from the available MSA/MD section.


Lake City Bank CRA Performance Evaluation

Download 2023 CRA Performance Evaluation

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