One Big Birthday Party

The celebration began on Monday, May 15, 1972. Lake City Bank’s actual anniversary had been the day before, a Sunday. Rather than taking people away from their families, bank management decided to start the celebration the next day—and to make it last for the whole week.
The festivities kicked off with a speech by the bank’s president, Bruce Wright. Afterward, the bank invited the community to tour its Warsaw office, which included a collection of historical items. The bank displayed old records, photographs, history books and newspapers, as well as old currency and coins from the Northern Trust Company of Chicago. Tours and refreshments were available all week long.
Adding to the fun, bank employees dressed in clothing from the late 1800s. They gave gifts throughout the week, including a special medal made by the Franklin Mint given to each adult. The bank also held daily drawings for 100 Eisenhower dollars and sets of 1964 silver coins.
Visitors enjoyed some friendly competition, too. The bank offered two $100 prizes: one for the oldest bank item, and one for the oldest transaction by a current customer. One of the winners presented a note given to the bank on July 21, 1873!
On May 16, an Indiana department store also celebrating 100 years joined the festivities in dramatic fashion. Representatives of L.S. Ayres & Co. presented Lake City Bank with a mammoth cake that measured six feet tall and held 100 candles.
The next day, the celebration continued at the Third Annual Egg Breakfast. A whopping 1,000 people came to eat the free breakfast.
As the week wound down, Lake City Bank hosted an event for local businesspeople. More than 250 people representing area business and industry attended a dinner Thursday evening at the bank’s main office. A similar dinner had been held Tuesday evening for about 150 bankers and their spouses.
When it was over, Bruce Wright looked back on the week with satisfaction. “It was a fun birthday party,” he proclaimed, “and we hope the thousands of our friends who came to wish us well enjoyed it as much as we did.”