Business Banking Loans

Almost all businesses require some sort of financing at one time or another and for a variety of reasons. At Lake City Bank, we offer loans for almost every situation and business. Beyond competitive rates and terms, our commercial bankers work to understand your business so they can provide the exceptional service your company deserves.
Lines of Credit
To provide you with short-term working capital, Lake City Bank can structure flexible revolving lines of credit. Uses include meeting seasonal sales fluctuations, taking advantage of discounts and covering shortfalls in cash flow. Lines are customized to fit your business’ needs.
Term Loans
If you need long-term capital, a term loan can be structured to match your cash flow with the life of the asset you’re financing. They can be used to acquire fixed assets such as equipment and aircraft, purchase a new business or fund permanent working capital as a result of increased sales.
Real Estate and Construction Loans
If you’re looking to expand, refinance or acquire new property for your business, Lake City Bank offers both interim construction loans and permanent mortgage financing. We can structure loans for industrial, commercial, office, multi-family, retail and certain special-use real estate
Floor Plan Loans
Whether you sell boats or cars, equipment or recreational vehicles, Lake City Bank can provide floor plan financing to fund your inventory.
Letters of Credit
Lake City Bank can provide standby letters of credit and assist with import letters of credit.
Drop in one of our branch locations or call our One Call Center at (888) 522-2265.