Fraud Prevention Tools

ACH Positive Pay
- ACH Positive Pay only allows authorized vendors to debit your accounts with ACH
- Prevents fraud and unauthorized debits
- Non-authorized vendors prompt an alert to be sent to you (email and text options) asking for permission for the transaction
Positive Pay
- Enjoy protection from fraudulent or unauthorized checks
- Receive notification (email or text options) for any non-authorized checks before they clear your account, allowing you to pay or return
- Simply send Lake City Bank an electronic file (via Lake City Bank Digital) of all checks that will be disbursed and we’ll match incoming checks
ACH/Wire Recipient Dual Approval
- Require dual approval when adding, changing or deleting ACH and wire recipient information in Lake City Bank Digital
- Simply request this option and we’ll activate it at no additional cost
Fraud Prevention
Looking for steps you can take to protect you and your business from fraud? Check out the links below.
- Online Safety Information from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- Business Email Compromise
- Small Business Cybersecurity
- Fraud Resources from NACHA

Drop in one of our branch locations or call our One Call Center at (844) 979-7164 for more information or to open an account.