Mobile Devices

Do you have a vacation planned? Do you use a smartphone, tablet or other device while you are on the go? Here are some tips for acting before the hack no matter how far your travels take you from home.
Basic Device Security Tips
If your device doesn’t have proper protection, you are putting yourself and your personal information at risk. Act before the hack by comparing your device’s security with this list. For the full-size infographic, click the image below. For more information about security while on the go, check out this article from the National Cybersecurity Alliance.
How do you keep your smartphone secure? Use the Federal Communications Commission’s Smartphone Security Checker for some tips. Select your mobile operating system and check out tips for your device! Check it out here.
Looking for simple security tips for your mobile devices? Look no further – the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has a checklist for you! On the road or at home, these tips can help keep your devices secure. Check out the tips here: Mobile Device Cybersecurity Checklist for Consumers.
Downloading apps that relate to your summer vacation can make the planning process much easier, but just because an app is in an app store doesn’t mean it’s safe to download. Act before the hack by only downloading apps from reputable sources. For more tips about app downloading and maintenance, check out this article.
Mobile payment apps and services like Zelle®, Venmo and PayPal are convenient ways to send money to others, but hackers and scammers know that too. The ABA has an infographic to learn about sending money safely to the right people. Check it out here: How to Safely Use Mobile Payment Apps and Services.
Set Up Remote Device Locking and Wiping
While we don’t like to think about strangers ending up with our phones, it’s important to be prepared in case it happens. You can get an app or program that allows you to act before the hack by locking or wiping your device remotely. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) shares some other ways you can prepare in this article.
Wait to Post on Social Media
We all love to share photos of our vacation with our friends and family, but you should wait to share those photos on social media until you are home again. Sharing them during the vacation allows anyone to see that you are away from home for an extended period of time. Want more summer vacation safety tips? Check out this article.
Traveling with Your Devices
How do you act before the hack when traveling with mobile devices? Check out these tips from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for some dangers you may not have thought of and how to avoid them.
Missing Device
The tips we have shared so far are great for when you know where your device is, but what if it goes missing? Follow the steps in this guide from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to act before the hack.