Phishing scam

Richard was taking a break for lunch on a busy workday, scrolling on his phone when a text came in that looked like it was from the bank. The text referred to a transaction that needed Richard’s attention. Since the transaction didn’t look familiar, Richard clicked on the text that took him to a site that, at first glance, looked like his bank.
A message on the site instructed Richard to enter his banking username and password. Richard stopped immediately. He used the bank’s digital app routinely and knew that the request for his credentials was phony. If he entered his information, the fraudsters could take over his account and drain his deposits. He called Lake City Bank’s One Call Center to report the fraud attempt, which is called phishing. The agent reiterated that Lake City Bank will never request your login information via text or phone. Richard did the right thing when he stopped and called to report the fraud attempt.
When in doubt, call the One Call Center at (888) 522-2265.
If you have any questions about cybersecurity, you can ask them using the form on our Contact Us webpage by visiting https://www.lakecitybank.com/contact-us/