Community Saver Loan

A Community Saver Loan from Lake City Bank is a personal loan that allows you to establish credit and start a savings plan at the same time. We deposit the loan proceeds into a Lake City Bank certificate of deposit. The CD becomes collateral for the loan. You make monthly payments to pay back the loan. After you pay off the loan, you receive the funds from the CD and may use the money for any purpose you choose.

- Loan amounts from $1,000 to $3,500
- Monthly payment terms
- No loan processing fees
- Interest is earned on the certificate of deposit
- Subject to credit approval
- Maximum debt-to-gross income ratio of 42%
- TransUnion score must exceed 625; applicants with no credit score due to no prior credit history may qualify for this loan
- No open collection accounts, outstanding judgments or open delinquent accounts
- Must have job-time of at least 6 months

Drop in one of our branch locations or call our One Call Center at (888) 522-2265 for more information or to open a Community Saver Loan.