
A strong savings plan is the heart of smart financial management.
These great features may be added to the savings account you choose.
Go paperless and receive your monthly account statements securely with Lake City Bank eStatements. Get the convenience of 24/7 access to at least 18 months of statements via Lake City Bank Digital. To eliminate the paper statement fee, just keep your email address up to date with us. Enroll in Lake City Bank Digital now.
ATM Card
Lake City Bank offers ATM cards that give you 24-access to your savings accounts all over the world. Use it to access your account from any ATM1 to withdraw and transfer funds or to make balance inquiries.
Direct Deposit
If your employer offers Direct Deposit, consider the convenience of having your paycheck electronically deposited into your checking and/or savings account. You’ll still receive your pay stub from your employer on payday, but now you can cut out the time-consuming trips to the bank. To get started, just talk to your employer who should have the proper paperwork we’ll need to get you set up.
1 Fees may apply when accessing an ATM not owned by Lake City Bank. Debit and ATM cards can be used at any Cirrus/Star network.