You can customize your Private Banking package with the products and services that fit your financial needs, including:

Credit Solutions1

- Customized lending with flexible terms and structure
- 50 basis point discount on installment loans with automatic payment taken from a Lake City Bank account
- Executive Line of Credit with no annual fee
- Home equity lines of credit with no floor rate and up to 90% loan–to–value
- Mortgages and jumbo mortgages
- VISA® Signature Elite Credit Card2
- Premier American Express® Card2

Banking Solutions

- Specially designed Private Banking Checking Account
- Lake City Bank Digital
- 25 basis point bonus on non–promotional certificates of deposit
- Premium rate on Investor’s Money Market Account

Planning Services3

- Trust and fiduciary services from our Wealth Advisory Group
- Estate review and financial planning consultation at no charge
1Subject to credit approval.
2The creditor and issuer of these credit cards is Elan Financial Services, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. and American Express.
3Investment products used by the Wealth Advisory Group are not obligations of nor guaranteed by Lake City Bank, are not FDIC insured and may involve risk, including possible loss of principal.